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- Huber+Suhner
Huber+Suhner offers their customers around the globe outstanding products and services for their electrical and optical connectivity needs. Their focus is on the three main markets of industrial, communication, and transportation, which are addressed with applications from the three technologies of radio frequency, fiber optics, and low frequency. Huber+Suhner products deliver high performance, quality, reliability, and long service life – even under the toughest conditions. A global production network, combined with subsidiaries and agencies in over 80 countries, puts Huber+Suhner close to its customers.
Huber+Suhner сопутствующие товары
- РФ и беспроводная связь (707)
- Аттенюаторы (217)
- Радиочастотные аксессуары (174)
- РЧ усилители (1)
- Радиочастотные Антенны (254)
- РЧ направленный ответвитель (9)
- Различные радиочастотные микросхемы и модули (2)
- Радиочастотные мультиплексоры (7)
- Делители/разветвители мощности ВЧ (22)
- Готовые блоки радиочастотного приемника, передатчика и трансивера (18)
- Модули радиочастотных приемопередатчиков и модемы (1)
- RFID-аксессуары (2)